The Influence Church, located in Marianna fl. and the Boys and Girls Club of the Tabula Rasa, have partnered to express our heartfelt love to the nurses and doctors who have served selflessly during this COVD-19 Pandemic in Jackson County.
It is not enough to say we love, but we must demonstrate it in acts of kindness, compassion, and action. It is through the demonstration of love that we are saluting the men and women, who so willingly have sacrificed their time, their efforts, their families, and their lives that others might live. It is the actions of these individuals that allow us all to see the beauty of humanity and the love of Christ, Individually and collectively you are truly Christ's ambassadors in the earth. To this we say, thank you for being his eyes, his ears, his hands, his feet, and his heart expressed in the earth and serving the needs of all who you come in contact with each day .
As according to John 13:35, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
Special thanks to Crispy Creme for their overwhelming generosity not just for this for occasion but for Their continuous delicious expressions of love, thank you Mr. Blake